Sunrise and sunset times, length of daylight

Online tool to list sunrise / sunset times and daylengths in the United States.

To obtain the forecast for your current location, click here. Your browser will ask you to share your GPS coordinates. Accept to share your location and the page will then reload (up to 10 seconds waiting in some cases).

Sunrise and sunset forecasts for New York

The table below shows the sunrise and sunset forecast for New York, as well as the expected daylength, based on the state's average latitude and longitude.

Date Rise Set Daylength Variation min:sec Solar Noon
Sun 02/09/2025 6:55 AM 5:25 PM 10h 29m +2:24 12:10 PM
Mon 02/10/2025 6:53 AM 5:26 PM 10h 32m +2:24 12:10 PM
Tue 02/11/2025 6:52 AM 5:27 PM 10h 34m +2:26 12:10 PM
Wed 02/12/2025 6:51 AM 5:28 PM 10h 37m +2:28 12:10 PM
Thu 02/13/2025 6:50 AM 5:29 PM 10h 39m +2:29 12:10 PM
Fri 02/14/2025 6:48 AM 5:31 PM 10h 42m +2:29 12:10 PM
Sat 02/15/2025 6:47 AM 5:32 PM 10h 44m +2:30 12:09 PM
Sun 02/16/2025 6:46 AM 5:33 PM 10h 47m +2:31 12:09 PM
Mon 02/17/2025 6:44 AM 5:34 PM 10h 49m +2:33 12:09 PM
Tue 02/18/2025 6:43 AM 5:35 PM 10h 52m +2:32 12:09 PM
Wed 02/19/2025 6:42 AM 5:37 PM 10h 54m +2:34 12:09 PM
Thu 02/20/2025 6:40 AM 5:38 PM 10h 57m +2:35 12:09 PM
Fri 02/21/2025 6:39 AM 5:39 PM 11h 6s +2:36 12:09 PM
Sat 02/22/2025 6:37 AM 5:40 PM 11h 2m +2:35 12:09 PM
Sun 02/23/2025 6:36 AM 5:41 PM 11h 5m +2:37 12:09 PM
Mon 02/24/2025 6:35 AM 5:42 PM 11h 7m +2:38 12:09 PM
Tue 02/25/2025 6:33 AM 5:44 PM 11h 10m +2:37 12:08 PM
Wed 02/26/2025 6:32 AM 5:45 PM 11h 13m +2:38 12:08 PM
Thu 02/27/2025 6:30 AM 5:46 PM 11h 15m +2:39 12:08 PM
Fri 02/28/2025 6:29 AM 5:47 PM 11h 18m +2:39 12:08 PM
Sat 03/01/2025 6:27 AM 5:48 PM 11h 21m +2:40 12:08 PM

Sunrise and sunset times, civil, nautical and astronomical twilights

Sunrise and sunset correspond to when the sun is above or below the horizon. There are three types of twilight when the sun is below the horizon:

This is followed by the astronomical night (dark night), when diffuse astronomical objects such as galaxies and nebulae can be observed.

Date Astro. dawn Nautic. dawn Civil dawn Rise Set Civil dusk Nautic. dusk Astro. dusk Dark Night Length Variation min:sec
Sun 02/09/2025 5:24 AM 5:55 AM 6:28 AM 6:55 AM 5:25 PM 5:51 PM 6:24 PM 6:56 PM 10h 26m -2:09
Mon 02/10/2025 5:22 AM 5:54 AM 6:27 AM 6:53 AM 5:26 PM 5:53 PM 6:25 PM 6:57 PM 10h 24m -2:10
Tue 02/11/2025 5:21 AM 5:53 AM 6:25 AM 6:52 AM 5:27 PM 5:54 PM 6:26 PM 6:58 PM 10h 22m -2:13
Wed 02/12/2025 5:20 AM 5:52 AM 6:24 AM 6:51 AM 5:28 PM 5:55 PM 6:27 PM 6:59 PM 10h 20m -2:14
Thu 02/13/2025 5:19 AM 5:51 AM 6:23 AM 6:50 AM 5:29 PM 5:56 PM 6:28 PM 7:00 PM 10h 17m -2:16
Fri 02/14/2025 5:18 AM 5:50 AM 6:22 AM 6:48 AM 5:31 PM 5:57 PM 6:29 PM 7:01 PM 10h 15m -2:17
Sat 02/15/2025 5:17 AM 5:49 AM 6:21 AM 6:47 AM 5:32 PM 5:58 PM 6:30 PM 7:02 PM 10h 13m -2:19
Sun 02/16/2025 5:16 AM 5:47 AM 6:19 AM 6:46 AM 5:33 PM 6:00 PM 6:32 PM 7:03 PM 10h 11m -2:21
Mon 02/17/2025 5:14 AM 5:46 AM 6:18 AM 6:44 AM 5:34 PM 6:01 PM 6:33 PM 7:04 PM 10h 8m -2:22
Tue 02/18/2025 5:13 AM 5:45 AM 6:17 AM 6:43 AM 5:35 PM 6:02 PM 6:34 PM 7:05 PM 10h 6m -2:23
Wed 02/19/2025 5:12 AM 5:43 AM 6:15 AM 6:42 AM 5:37 PM 6:03 PM 6:35 PM 7:07 PM 10h 3m -2:24
Thu 02/20/2025 5:10 AM 5:42 AM 6:14 AM 6:40 AM 5:38 PM 6:04 PM 6:36 PM 7:08 PM 10h 1m -2:27
Fri 02/21/2025 5:09 AM 5:41 AM 6:13 AM 6:39 AM 5:39 PM 6:05 PM 6:37 PM 7:09 PM 9h 58m -2:28
Sat 02/22/2025 5:08 AM 5:39 AM 6:11 AM 6:37 AM 5:40 PM 6:06 PM 6:38 PM 7:10 PM 9h 56m -2:29
Sun 02/23/2025 5:06 AM 5:38 AM 6:10 AM 6:36 AM 5:41 PM 6:08 PM 6:39 PM 7:11 PM 9h 53m -2:30
Mon 02/24/2025 5:05 AM 5:37 AM 6:08 AM 6:35 AM 5:42 PM 6:09 PM 6:40 PM 7:12 PM 9h 51m -2:32
Tue 02/25/2025 5:04 AM 5:35 AM 6:07 AM 6:33 AM 5:44 PM 6:10 PM 6:42 PM 7:13 PM 9h 48m -2:34
Wed 02/26/2025 5:02 AM 5:34 AM 6:05 AM 6:32 AM 5:45 PM 6:11 PM 6:43 PM 7:14 PM 9h 46m -2:33
Thu 02/27/2025 5:01 AM 5:32 AM 6:04 AM 6:30 AM 5:46 PM 6:12 PM 6:44 PM 7:15 PM 9h 43m -2:36
Fri 02/28/2025 4:59 AM 5:31 AM 6:03 AM 6:29 AM 5:47 PM 6:13 PM 6:45 PM 7:17 PM 9h 41m -2:37
Sat 03/01/2025 4:58 AM 5:29 AM 6:01 AM 6:27 AM 5:48 PM 6:14 PM 6:46 PM 7:18 PM 9h 38m -2:38