Moonrise and moonset times

Online tool to list moonrise / moonset times and night lengths in United States.

To obtain the forecast for your current location, click here. Your browser will ask you to share your GPS coordinates. Accept to share your location and the page will then reload (up to 10 seconds waiting in some cases).

Moonrise and moonset forecasts for New York

The table below shows the moonrise and moonset forecast for New York, as well as the expected night lengths, based on the state's average latitude and longitude.

Date Rise Set Rise Phase duration Meridian crossing Distance Illumination
Mon 12/16/2024 - 8:49 AM 5:38 PM 16h 18m 12:41 AM 232,284 mi. 98.8%
Tue 12/17/2024 - 9:37 AM 6:49 PM 15h 59m 1:42 AM 235,386 mi. 95.3%
Wed 12/18/2024 - 10:14 AM 7:59 PM 15h 24m 2:37 AM 238,796 mi. 89.6%
Thu 12/19/2024 - 10:43 AM 9:07 PM 14h 43m 3:27 AM 242,215 mi. 82.2%
Fri 12/20/2024 - 11:07 AM 10:11 PM 13h 59m 4:13 AM 245,361 mi. 73.7%
Sat 12/21/2024 - 11:28 AM 11:13 PM 13h 16m 4:55 AM 247,991 mi. 64.4%
Sun 12/22/2024 - 11:47 AM - 12h 33m 5:35 AM 249,926 mi. 54.8%
Mon 12/23/2024 12:13 AM 12:05 PM - 11h 52m 6:14 AM 251,050 mi. 45.1%
Tue 12/24/2024 1:12 AM 12:25 PM - 11h 12m 6:53 AM 251,322 mi. 35.6%
Wed 12/25/2024 2:13 AM 12:46 PM - 10h 32m 7:34 AM 250,766 mi. 26.7%
Thu 12/26/2024 3:16 AM 1:11 PM - 9h 55m 8:17 AM 249,471 mi. 18.5%
Fri 12/27/2024 4:21 AM 1:42 PM - 9h 21m 9:04 AM 247,576 mi. 11.4%
Sat 12/28/2024 5:26 AM 2:20 PM - 8h 54m 9:55 AM 245,262 mi. 5.8%
Sun 12/29/2024 6:30 AM 3:08 PM - 8h 38m 10:50 AM 242,726 mi. 2%
Mon 12/30/2024 7:28 AM 4:07 PM - 8h 38m 11:47 AM 240,169 mi. 0.3%
Tue 12/31/2024 8:19 AM 5:14 PM - 8h 55m 12:44 PM 237,764 mi. 0.9%